E-Bike Overview
As a toddler begins to explore the world a little more, the Hiboy BK1 Balance Bike is a great introduction to the world of biking. Made for children between 2-6 years old (max weight 77 lbs), this is a balance bike with an added buzz.
Of course, this isn’t your average balance bike, as this one comes with a 100-watt motor and will take them up to 9 mph by turning the half-twist throttle. This means they don’t just have to push themselves on their feet but have the fun of riding it like Mom’s or Pop’s motorcycle without putting their feet on the ground.
Safety comes with an e-brake in the rear hub and a disc brake on the front wheel. As they gain confidence, they can put their feet on the foot pedals and ride to their heart’s content.
The battery offers a respectable range of six miles or 50 minutes of use and can be recharged in 3-5 hours. That should be more than enough for a playtime session with friends.
Reasons to Buy
It takes just three seconds to adjust the cushion height for different children. This can mean little brothers and sisters can take turns on the same bike.
While extremely quick, the Hiboy BK1 Balance Bike also has more safety controls than any other electric starter bike, including an e-brake on the rear wheel to stop quickly as required. Furthermore, it sports anti-slip handlebars and foot pedals, preventing the child from slipping while riding.
Things to Consider
As children grow up, they get harder to catch. Is 9 mph too quick? That could be a hard sprint to catch up should you need to whisk them away from danger. As such, the Hiboy BK1 is best only used away from any main roads. .
Regarding playtime, 50 minutes is a bit limiting for a child, with many parents reporting that riding the HiBoy BK1 is the favorite pastime for kids who have one. The five-hour charge time is also a long time for a kid who’s just had great fun riding it. Again, some youngsters even sit by the balance bike and wait for it to charge!